Once i asked myself what loneliness was

Days and nights i kept wondering its cause

Inexperienced was i of this feeling unknown

But saw affected people losing their heart and bone

A disease uncured was what of it i concluded

And finding its remedy not a book i left unread

Thoughtless, Hopeless and tired i sat alone

Then found myself in a land unknown

Where people i thought i knew

Were entirely different from my view

A fake mask for the world they wore

And were liars at their heart's core

The ones whom once i found too close

Had no trouble in breaking hearts and woes

In the world's eye they preached the same god

But ask me they followed the footsteps of the devil lord

this surprising world was alien to me

Very firstly then i realized what lonely meant to be

Very strange was this land from that of mine

And away from my own city i wasn't fine

How could i live in a crowd unfamiliar and fake

The only treasure i wanted was peace at anybody's sake

The word loneliness explains not a point part of itself

Ask my experience, every moment i cried for help

A life killing venom is this disease

And was excruciating in my veins with much ease

I felt like a prisoner in an electrified cage

Surrounded by people who called themselves sage

I felt like smashing the old sage walls

But away miles there wasn't anybody hearing my calls

Finally i lost all hopes within that i had

And suffering in silence, observed all evil and bad

Now did i realize how life really turned to mess

And drowned in the ocean of what everybody calls as "LONELINESS"............

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