Why do we care about the shoes we bought the dressed we wear,
When they do not go to school, there backs are bare?
Why do we think about they way we talk and the way we look, when they don't know what is actually a book?

Why to we think of wearing heels and going to dance,
When they work in the field and don't even know how to have fun?
Why do we need to entertain ourselves with expensive parlour tricks
When they need to be satisfied with stones and stix?

Why do we have a starbucks with a hundred?
When they go to sleep without bread?
Why do we not think of them?
While they dedicate their lives to the service of rich men?

When they neglect their child and take care of yours,
Shouldn't. You change their attitude and not think them "poor".
When you think that the homeless should be out of your kids sight,
Should you change your thoughts and give them a life?

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