All these days, I have been so low,
These rains wash through me, find the glow.
No more misery, no more pain,
They wash it all way, I hope not in vain.
Rain is supposed to be a symbol of tears,
But all it has done is washed away my fears.

Any of them couldn´t have brought that
true smile,I don´t remember when I last had.
The rain had signalled my arrival,
now has come to show me the primal
strength I have, had been buried
but the godly rains nurture its seed.

They give me back what I always had.
It was just so easy, I am glad.
So I hope it rains to open my eyes,
start my life and stop the cries.
It used to be hard and now that smile
etched on my face,ghost of it stays for a while...

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