You know I’m feeling like climbing a goddamn mountain.
No matter how high it is, no matter if it is just a hill.
I want to fall, get hurt, while climbing it.
I want to sweat out every last drop of
water in my body while climbing it.
I want get exhausted while climbing it.
I want to lose hope in the midway,
Take rest, and in the morning when the sunrises,
I want to regain my hope and start moving once again, while I climb it.
I want to feel myself smiling exhausted
on seeing the peak getting closer, while I climb it.
Finally, with a racing heartbeat and a sweating body,
I want to make it to the peak, while I’ve climbed it.
Looking at the incredible view and seeing the height of what I faced,
I want to scream out with all the craziness vibrating through that feeling,
and live my life in that moment, while I have climbed it !

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