It was not very late that I realised, how much bad I could get.
Yes, it is me I came to this city, the city known for its stardom. I came to this city. I came to this city to learn. Months passed and it was the same me and the same city. I studied because I needed to, so it was obvious that I scored well, in fact, improved than all. But no one knew this, I was miserable. Don’t know there was always this strangeness in me. I switched characters and I kept it on, the reason was well know to me but I kept it ignoring. I worked to ignore, it became a habit. I was unhappy. Boys and girls around me where happy, that’s maybe because they related to each other. I could not relate myself to anyone. I was all unaided. I needed to drift myself, something that I could my mind out of. I had this only best friend and I don’t know how she related to me.
MONEY, the sound of the word is itself so strong that it makes your hairs stand up. I had it in loads. How I earned it is a different matter. There are thousand ways to earn money, although each way has its own end. It was not very late that I had developed this great rivalry with this guy. He was just like me, with pride, ignorance and stance. Maybe it was me, I hated his success and similarly he hated mine. We never fought but we were nearly far. We grunted for each other. It haunted me of having taught that he would be someday above me. The greed in me was so high that I did not care. But I had to care because of her. Life sucks, she was mine and however she loved him but wanted to be with me. It blocked me completely. I had too.
It was pain to see them laughing together. He did not have scores of things that I had. But he had the most precious one that I could never possess. Eventually I decided to live her. My mind was merely a mind that will ever go down. It craved. Jealousy took over whenever he grinned at me. Rage filled when I saw him use my idea. It burnt but I did not react because later on I used his idea and won. It went on and on.
I saw her crying. I kept numb and I didn’t react. I waited her to tell and she told. It was him and I knew it was damn. I wanted to play, I just wanted to hurt. I took advantage and as I saw him coming towards us. I kissed her. She resisted it and slam I had it from him. I fell down. She covered me and I could see tears from her eyes. She looked beautiful. I had a little blood. She asked him to get lost. I smiled villainously. I knew that he was going to pay for it.
I called my boys and took him over. I beat him to death, before that, I had my doze of cocaine. Enough of that shit would make me uncontrollable. I spat at him and I knew he was not going to be alive. I did not care for the law because I had my father.
He was not seen anywhere. I had her and I smiled for that. Not until she came to know about my comings and goings and she was not coming back and I knew it. I did not ask her to come back. Because the agony was gone, I was no more the same guy. I was not the same.
I have still not figured out.
Who am I?

Tags: Guilt

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