The other day I was talking to my friend or I must admit, blabbering to him my antics, my ways and my stories. My verbal biography wasn't going well with him, I knew but carried on. He had no choice but to alleviate his patience levels and let me carry on. Days later, he remarked to me that I was suffering from a disease called 'Self Obsession'. Now that explains to me why do many people consider me crazy. But is this self obsession as they call it or self consciousness as I call it, really bad???
A man, once, went to Guru Nanak and said, "You must prove that you actually are a hindu as well as a muslim as you always proclaim. You'll have to read the 'Namaaz' with me." Guru Nanak agreed and said, "I'll read the 'Namaaz' only if you do." The man agreed and started praying to his 'allah'. But Guru Nanak just kept standing and looking at him. Upon finishing the prayer, the man asked, "Why didn't you pray alongwith?" Guru Nanak answered, "You forgot what I said. I'd have read the 'Namaaz' if you had. Did you actually pray? Your full concentration was on me whether I was praying or not. You didn't pray..." We're typical descendants to this man in question, always keeping an eye on others, but on our ownselves, we don't pay even an iota of our attention.
Today is the age of anti-'I'. We dress up well, not because we want to look good but because we want others to appreciate us. We conduct ourselves well, not because we're ardent 'Gandhigiri' followers but because we don't want to spoil the image others have about us, even if its false. Gone are the days of following fashion trends. Nowadays, creating weird fashion statements is in. One should be seen, visualised, fantasised and idolised. Even when I was writing this article, I didn't want it to be the best article I would've ever written but honestly speaking, wanted to summon accolades. Catching the eye, I name it.
But why does catching the eye become so important? Why do we depend on others for our own happiness? When I see myself in the mirror, I can get a clear picture whether I'm looking good or not. So why do I need to get it approved by others? Why do others drive the BMW of my life? I don't understand, though I, myself, sometimes become a proud member of this anti-'I' community.
We love interfering in others' lives so much, if not verbally then mentally. "OMG! What's she wearing?" "God! How does he walk? Talk? Eat? Sleep? Laugh?" etc etc etc. And what about our ways of wearing, walking, talking, eating, sleeping, laughing??? We so live for others. Seriously! We don't have time for ourselves. How would she feel? How would he feel? Have we ever thought how would we feel, some years down the line if we let go off with certain things? Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage." And we're playing our parts out here. If we interfere in others' parts, we would ruin the wonderful act set up by the Almighty, but if we play our respective parts well, everything'll fall to place on its own.
Its time we started living for ourselves, following our own rules, basing our happiness only on ourselves, and actually, loving ourselves. Because unless we love ourselves, we won't be able to love others. If I can't reconcile with what god has given me and the way I am, how will I able to adjust with what others are to me? To love others we've to know them well. Similarly, to love ourselves, we've to know ourselves really well.
The process of knowing ourselves begins with the acknowledgement of the fact that we're indeed the centre of the universe, our universe. Meditation can be the next step. One has to realise that life is indeed precious and its the only thing. I'm not asking to belittle others in front of you, but just motivating you to respect your life and live it king size! Because it happens just once. Adjust and Compromise! We live in a society, but preserve that rare individual in you. Its the only specimen in the world...
Go out and flaunt your talents, your weird dressing sense or your murderous sense of humour. Don't give a damn to what others say. Because at the end, its just you and your life. You'll have to bear it all alone, the highs as well as the lows. The world may say and run away, but its you and only you, who has to fight and stay. Whose life is it, anyways???

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