They just have to look at a beautiful gal. And lo and behold. The hormones go into overdrive.
They then jump to conclusions.
She is in luv too.
Buddy. She just happened to look at you.
By mistake.
And you thought she fell for you.

I know a boy of yesteryears who was infatuated with this gal. One day he walked up to the pretty thing and offered her a big bar of chocolate.
"A gift for someone I love" he said.
She smiled oh so sweetly.
Accepted his gift, and walked away with her trademark heroine swagger.
He never saw her again.
He lost his chocolate too.

So guys. Don't jump to conclusions.
You are probably one of her many admirers.
And she's just storing up her chocolates and the roses have wilted long ago.
You are left sad and lonely.
And hungry.
With an empty wallet.
And a broken heart.

The trick guys is to play hard to get.
Gals admire and respect such.
Especially since you ignored her good looks when so many went gaga over her.

Pretend you never noticed her. Look busy.
Look intelligently at her if she asks you something.
She hates a duffer. Pretend to know everything.

Develop some muscles. She hats the feminine type.
Laugh that huge guffaw.

Your heart may be fluttering. Your palms sweaty and shivering.
Appear calm.
Look detached.
But not desperate.

Tags: Humor

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