Why do I write?????.....a question which often occurred to me.....why do I write????.....and then I got many answers but only a few trapped my attention....the main reason why I write is because....I love writing.....
secondly it gives me satisfaction....
thirdly it gives me a medium to express my ideas......
and lastly it is an effort to bring a change in the psyche of the people...a healthy change......
I know this may be not the best of the articles but I am glad this topic came up....because everyone needs a reason to write. Some say it is hobby, some say it is just for fun but I say it is my duty....I don't know how I am performing my duty but I am still trying my best...
When I first started to write there were many flaws in writing, but my thoughts were well received.....I still remember my first write up about friends!!!.....I still remember how much I wanted to cry out my thoughts..I still remember the urge....to say it....to express it...
and that is why I took to writing....
I may not be the best of writers here at writerbabu but still I am trying to be better than what I was.....writing helps me speak out my mind which I fail with my voice...it also helps to improve....everything I need to improve..like quality of thoughts,vocablury and etc and etc...
Here at writerbabu.....I learned many new things about writing and I experimenting with that. Some writerbabus just speak their minds in lucid but effective writing whereas some carefully choose their words.....here I was even criticized for my post...and then I realized that what I think as the best is not always the best....but I took in a healthy way...and moved on.....
It was my first criticism and I hope it is the last....everyday as I wake I find new answers to my question 'why do I write?'...and list goes on increasing....I wrote down the best ones...hoping it is enough but no answer can satisfy this desire and urge to write.....

And this why I write!!!!......

Tags: WBC

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