I was just looking at the week's top 10 articles and looked at the number of polls each article got. The question that came to mind is, is it just my posts here that don't get enough polls? But then I saw another article stating the same problem about not getting enough polls. I also read the comments for that article. Okay points taken. But most of us are beginners, the ones who aren't professional writers. So it's not easy to come up with excellent, mind boggling stuff always.
The other day I wrote something, yes it did get a few polls, comparatively a better number than I usually get, but just the day after writing it, there were no more polls. It hurt me. It's the same story always. I still don't understand why! Even if my work is bad, you could give a hmmm and let me know how should I improve. Or am I so bad that even a hmmm is too much to poll for? Let me know!
I'd actually given up writing for almost a month after the sort of response I got. Before that I even tried going anonymous. But the result was all the same. No polls!
Yes, it did dishearten and it still does. "Keep writing.. writing is fun", the tagline says. But writing for fun doesn't seem to work anymore. But then why should I give up? Why should I care for the ones who don't poll? Why should I give charge to others to decide whether I must write or not? I won't! I will keep writing! Poll it or not!

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