A day brings 24 hours, 3600 seconds and people all around to spend them with. What does an individual do in such precarious situation. Lecture on Life by "life experts" keep on blabbering and suggesting but they just state and throw hard truths in an exciting way wrapped in a perfume paper.

Will I call them jackals jumping on the worrisome hapless victims or ray of hope helping by guiding and showing the path in a better way. I'm still undecided.

But it is interesting to see the people coming, willingly and proudly to these workshops which earns billions annually turning itself into a status symbol of a sort. Hundreds sitting and chanting in groups -kind of weird but has known to yield results ultimately.

Maybe, self-introspection and self soul-search can help in presenting the same set of answers one is searching for, with a higher sense of gratification and contentment.

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