Wide, wild world
we live in a wild place
Things, distractions
Turn around just in case

Wide, wild world
Filling our minds at times with fear
Crazy happenings and events
That effect some people so dear

Wide, wild world
Many our crying in the street
From here at home to all around
Some even that we meet

Wide, wild world
Can we just see it and run
Or do we do our part
In the place of some fun

Wide, wild world
So near yet so far away
I sit and think what to do
What can I do today

Wide, wild world
Freedom, we are losing its grasp
Do we go from here to there today
Or do we rest here and gasp

Wide, wild world
Is there for us to do our best
Do what was done by our own kind
We should work hard with little rest

Wide, wild world
WE will challenge you today
To be better, work harder
But work smarter alway

And soon our wide, wild world
Will be tame again.

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