Chinku the goat and the girl had gone to see Ghee Baba in the forest. He opens his mouth only for two activites - for eating ghee and for answering questions. A person can ask him only one question in his lifetime, and that too only if he has taken ghee with him. Only very urgent problems find their way to Baba. The girl asked the question after the Baba had consumed all the ghee they had brought - "To whom does the Valley belong - me, or the goat?"

Flashback. The goat got the power of speech. Human speech.It always believed that human beings were unnecessarily using some language to communicate and exploit. This is the first thing 'it' asked the girl. The girl obviously told, "Obviously". the goat sharpened it's antenna and proceeded towards the girl. They reached a deal.

The baba licked ghee that was accidentally dropped on his hand's, patted his tummy, looked at the girl and said, "Answer".

Baba gave approval to the deal and prayed for more ghee offerings from his milky overlords. The whole village gathered in front of the co-operative society. The goat asked three questions to the girl.

Question 1 - "Who came first to the Valley?"
Question 2- "Are you aware that there is physics in maths and maths in physics?"
Question 3 - "Do you understand our language?"

The headman raised his eyebrows. He looked at the girl, who had a puzzled look on her face. The goat was questioning our superiority, doubting the efficacy of our knowledge and making us aware of our false identity. The people of the valley decided to negotiate. A common translator would be appointed for communicating with the goat community. All decisions would be taken keeping the welfare of all 'beings' in the valley.

Milk would be provided by the goats only if one of them is given a position in the village council. They further demanded minority status. They wanted their own schools and rearing industries....


The goat was looking bored when the girl came back from college. It became conscious of itself. Every goat in the village was scared of the girl. They still remember how Chinku was taught a lesson by the girl last week after it attacked the girl. Chinku gets a shiver when it thinks about the two days it was left alone in the forest by the girl. Chinku took some grass in his mouth and decided to chew down his anger. It will take some time.

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