The new feature of writerbabu, the badges is a great one... Previously, it was the reputation points system.

I think it encourages most of us to more and more. After the badges are introduced, i felt so much happy when i got the badges... I also got the super writer badge... And my bro(Arak vatsa) got the hyper writer badge. He is the only one who has the hyper writer badge. He is really an awesome and fantabulous and outstanding writer...

Now i want to write more and more... The time is passing by and the site is getting so much better at a very great rate, equal to the rate of India's increasing population... ;-P

And also congratulations to all writerbabus because the writerbabu is now official. Its now Writerbabu online services Pvt. Ltd.

I am really very encouraged by the new badge system... Are you?????

Tags: Writerbabu

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