Its not like we are all just robots and we don\'t have thoughts but we have priorities. M not saying that writing something here should be very down the priority list but lets look at it in a more detailed way.

When we wake up in the morning we are fresh and filled with energy, ready to work. I know most of the times this mundane job sucks, but still in morning after a good sleep your mind is totally empty and you just go to office or class or school or anywhere, or just sit at home and watch television but no one thinks to write. Agree? A normal person who has a life, don\'t. Now we work whole day, or in case of college students just pure time pass with friends, or some assignments meeting some deadlines. Anyways nooo baaady writes during day time on week days. Again priorities. Now after work we need rest. Please don\'t ask me to write. So okay, will write after dinner. And after dinner when eyes are heavy, are you mad????

But still wrote this thing...and m feeling good about it. Its like gym, its hard to start but once you start, it takes no time getting addicted to it. Expressing one self in silence is the best form of relaxation...i guess...I thought, I\'ll write just 20-30 words but m not able to stop myself. Train of thoughts. U know trains are difficult to stop, maybe thats why they are called train of thoughts and not cycle or bus of thoughts. Anyways its getting tougher to keep my eyes open, so will end here...crashed!

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