# Write SHORT and SIMPLE..

Sometimes we try to impress folk with our writing skills. The longer the lines are, the more fantastic the words appear, the greater would be our adulation. So we think.

Actually for me it's the opposite. Sometimes when I'm in a hurry and just want to read quickly, I feel bogged down by those astronomical words. Hey, who wants to refer to a dictionary then?

# Write from your HEART...

There's nothing more heart warming than reading some body's true first person account straight from his or her innermost being. Nothing hidden. No pretenses. I think the young are apt to do this better than the older ones. We get so fake as we grow older and older.

# DON'T BELITTLE anyone...

You've got to tread carefully here. Be absolutely sensitive to people's sentiments. If you've said something offensive, be quick to apologize. Humility's needed.


It's amazing how much we could store in our memory, if we could only look around and notice things minutely. Just simple, every day happenings.


This, according to me, is the writer's strongest point. No doubts about it. No apologizing needed as long you are not offensive about it.

# Develop your OWN writing style...

Please, please don't copy others. Be original. Absolutely.
Stop those fake accents, airy, filmy styles. Let words flow naturally.

# Forget about the POLLS...

A speechless or a hummm (I seriously think it ought to be hmmm) doesn't really gauge our best abilities. You are your own judge.
Don't let mere points take your focus away to being just mundane.
Some folk may like you, some may not.
Just keep writing!

# Have an eye on your GRAMMAR...

Try to be correct grammatically as much as possible. In my earlier write ups, I hardly spaced my words well. Someone pointed it out to me. Thankful for that.
One can do spell checks using a Google spell check too. The wrongly spellt word gets automatically underlined in red by them and we could have them corrected easily.

# Don't attempt to write great things in an ordinary way, but write ORDINARY stuff in a GREAT way.

# Finally, KEEP WRITING.

To ensure a steady flow of thoughts. Just like a river that needs to flow and not stagnate.

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