There are hundreds of ways of doing good in the world, doing good to the world, helping people. Promoting your religion, caste or community is NOT one of them. Nothing good comes out of it, nothing positive. For starters, you're insulting whatever you're promoting.
Promotions and marketing strategies are meant for business prospects, right? Has then religion become one of them? Why are you making religion one of them? Wake up. Rub your eyes hard. Blink a hundred times. Wash them with water. Put some soap in them. And if you still cannot see clearly, shut your mouth. Stop misleading others. Which of your heroes would like you promoting your religion in their name? As far as I know, and whatever I've heard or read about them, they would not. None of them. Ask yourselves, for you're not answerable to anyone else. Would Mohammed like it if he was alive? You promoting Islam in his name? Would Jesus like it? Would Buddha like it? Would Krishna? Nanak? Or anyone else I'm failing to mention. All they wanted you to do is be good to other living beings; to be kind, helpful, thankful, considerate. Believe me, that summarizes pretty much all the religious scriptures. Which of them has ever instructed you to promote the religion it speaks of? To use marketing strategies or to force people to convert with money or other basic amenities? Somebody else could come and give them more money and they'd start following someone else. They will not follow your religion, they will just take your money and tell people what you did once they're done. Why? What is the big need to promote anyway?

I'm not a non-believer. I believe in god. I'm sure there is a god. But I'm not in favor of the concept of religion. It's more harm than good. It's like you're insulting god. Because you're calling him names (figure of speech intended ), so many of them.

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