Together we can do so much
Alone it is so very tough
It’s fun to go with someone to lunch
To go alone to me is so tough

Let’s be friends and share each our dream
Together we can be stronger than one
We may put our heads near to scheme
With many hands we can lift a ton.

Friendship comes from the one creator
He saw that we needed someone to speak to
He didn’t want us to speak to a gator
He wanted me to speak to you, and you.

It doesn’t matter who we are at all
Male or female, short or very tall
If you do or don’t go out to the mall
Or if you are very, very, very small

You’re my friend or at least I want you to be
You’re my friend even if we don’t speak
You’re my friend If you’re far away and I can’t see
You’re my friend and friends I always will seek

Tags: Friendship

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