You say my Generation is angry
I say you're right
We have no reason not to be
Our lives are determined by our predisessors
Towers began to fall when I was in diapers
With our leaders spilling blood in the name of peace
We grew up in a world of destruction
With wars raging through cities
And drones that weren't suppose to bomb homes
A world were backpacks pose as threats
And murders disguised under coat of arms
Leaving a man's last words to be
"you shot me, you shot me".
" I can't breathe"
This is a word from a thousand page book
That was handed to us titled law
This world that we will "inherit" is masked with destruction.
You say we are irresponsible
That we are lazy
We are ignorant
But really we are scared
You have taught us a fixed history
And we can no longer learn truth
For an education exsists only for the wealthy
You were a generation who had everything
And ruined it all
My Generation might be a diapointment
But yours,
Yours is a disgrace.
-sex addicted teen.

Tags: Speech, Writing

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