Dedicated to the most beautiful woman on earth.

Like the soothing wind,
that flows down the endless river.
Like the big banyan tree,
that shades souls in summer.
you are there,
you are there.

And when I set foot,
to school, the first time ever,
I had your hand in mine.
It abandoned me never.
you were there,
you were there.

If in this reckless hard world,
I lose my way someday.
I know I would come to you then,
and you would walk me along to the sunset.
you will be there,
you will be there.

Without you,
I am nothing.
And your love,
is everything.
I owe my everything to you,
but this debt can never be paid.
you are there,
you were there,
you will be there...

Tags: Love, Mother

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