The night was silent, lying on bed were two souls, two bodies, a couple- drifted apart. Had a fight, hours ago, no one initiated to solve. Young love- it wants to be pampered, approached, wants to
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She looked in the mirror, at her own image, staring back at her. Dressed in her red wedding lehenga, she donned the best of the look, magnificent jewellery around her neck, bling bangles along
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I was born to be a free soul
I was born to fly
Gone out for a stroll
No rules go by
They tried to catch me
To tie back my wings
Coz they just didn't see
The magical view and the things
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You must have waited for someone you were about to meet at some time? For once, we all must have. How does it feel? For the first ten to fifteen minutes you’d be busy with your smartphone playing
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And sometimes when I sit alone
Somewhere lost in my thoughts
Looking at nothing really
But staring at the blank wall
I think of the time
When I were not lost
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What are we doing? Seriously, what are we doing to the environment?
We as humans, the so called most intelligent and evolved species ever born on this earth, I seriously doubt. We call this earth
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As she slowly opened her eyes, she heard the continuous beeps of the monitor on her side, and scanned the entire room she was admitted to, plain ceiling, bland walls and lots of machines by her side,
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He Loved her and she loved him.
He waited for her to confess and so did she.
Two years later, they got married...
To someone
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The girl who lives opposite my House
Has no friends, family or spouse
I see her everyday from my window
Sometimes I see her, other times her shadow
The girl is strange, not like all
Lives alone, in a
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That one "I Love you" he never said
She sits everyday practising "I Love you too" in return
That one hug he never gave her
She stands on her toes to match up to his height
That one kiss they never
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Disclaimer: Could be strictly offensive and unacceptable for some. Kindly stop reading when you don’t feel like and leave; Thanks
Why is it that women are treated as objects? We’re living
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How do I say
How I feel about you
How do I say
You’re like the early morning dew
How do I say
How much I care
How do I say
You’re in my every wish, in every prayer
How do I say
You mean
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We live in a world where physical appearance is the criteria by which people judge how as a human being you are. We live in a world where your level of fairness is directly proportional to the number
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Darkness of the night
Results of a fight
Mind has blown
By behaviors shown
Never expected
Had not suspected
Would be blamed like this
Crushed than being kissed
Nothing pays
For being kind these
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So after receiving 100s of humms on my posts, I have decide to analyze the probable reasons why people would poll Humm on a post (without any complains/hate messages in the author poll column)
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Just like any other person, I am also an individual with a distinct personality, though not very attractive, yet I manage to look decent, I have a strong opinion about things, I have my own wishes
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Hello! babus!
Since WB is all about trends and I thought of starting a new trend now, only if all other babus join in
The latest was a 5-sentence story trend started by Sushree [So innovative! :)
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Hey you, favourite stranger
Stranger? Definitely not a stranger to me
I remember waking you up at midnight when scared
When no one stood by me, you were the one who dared
I remember the night
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Smile because you can
Live for you are a man
Dance in the rain
Don't let your efforts go in vain
Laugh your heart out
Control whenever you want to shout
Cry when you can't take it
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A typical day in my life (currently) starts at 8 in the morning when I wake up to get ready for my college, I go straight into the bathroom, get ready, come out to have breakfast on the dining table
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