The way the world sees India...
There are two ways the world actually sees India.
1. The mystic land shrouded in magic and poverty
2. The mystic land shrouded in magic and poverty
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This is just phenomenal.
The honesty of our mamus cannot be questioned. If you're a mumbaiite then you will know who mamu's are. If you are the uninitiated then mamu's are what we lovingly call our
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I am disappointed in India. I'm disappointed in it's people. I'm disappointed in the mindset of our people.
I know I'm ranting. But I'm genuinely hurt. I used to pride myself in being Indian. On
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Mike was a very happy man. He had everything he could want in life. A great job, an amazing house and to top it all a perfect new wife. Mike had been married for 3 months and they were the best
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Have you ever travelled by the Indian railway?? I'm sure most of you at some point in your life have. It's a different experience huh
From the jostling crowds to the funny people you meet in the
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Have you ever been in a city where everyone was partly demented??
Where everyone wants to go first at whatever thing.
Where the concept of patience hasn’t even begun to evolve in the minds of its
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Arjun was restless. He kept fidgeting and would stay still. He had a lot on his mind. It kept going back to the day that he realised that he was a son of a God! Not just any God, he was the son of
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Belief is described as something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or convictionFunnily enough, belief will make you do things that you wouldn’t think you were capable
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Our elders are strangely resilient, are they not??My dadi just underwent an open heart surgery at the age of 90!!This is the oldest age that even the doctor had operated upon! But strangely,
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A friend just sent me a link today to TOI's 10 favourite books of 2012.She sent it to me as she knew I am interested in books. now i understand she had an ulterior motive to is as well..I
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What is with Indian society and standing in queues???You’re in a line from the day you’re born!!That cousin started teething!! You’re next!Your brother started school.. you’re
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Yes I was wrong!!Hong Kong is not the only long airport in the world.Don’t they say that the entire universe conspires to prove something??They’re freaking right..!! I guess someone
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I read a post recently where the author is staying away from home。It was a great post,not about staying alone but how alone you feel。Here's my take on it. Imagine yourself in a strange
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i was at the hongkong airport yest.. and yes.. that is the airport in question..i had just flown in from mumbai, with a connecting flight onwards to i go through the security
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its my favorite festival in the whole wide world!! more than diwali or holi or even ganesh chaturthi!!all those kites.. big and small.. all shapes and sizes.. and the colors??? nothing
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whats the thing with goodbyes?? why do we need someone to tell us that they miss us??why do we feel the need to go drop someone off at the airport or at the station?? we could very well have
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well.. take the title literally.. im not talking about the people or the life.. im talking bout the weather..i arrived at delhi yest and stepping off the train had to take a couple of staggering
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i know that the title is very deceptive.. and that you are looking at a post involving one or all of the above.but this isnt a post with them in it.. its about themi love reading novels. its
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when i say the word flirt.. what comes to mind??? a guy who talks to every girl?? who hits on them??why is there such a negative view on a guy who talks to every girl?? i love talking to
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i was at a restaurant yest.. a nice posh place.. and I'm having dinner with this girl..there are these 2 kids at the other table, must be 7-8 yrs old..and suddenly i hear them start singing
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